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The Sabotage Continues… Once Again "Legal" Destruction of Our Sea

calendar_monthOctober 31, 2011

The Sabotage Continues… Once Again "Legal" Destruction of Our Sea

The saga continues; the encroachment upon and destruction of public property, namely our priceless marine environment, through the twisting of laws and regulations continues. The General Petroleum Company (GPC) has been able to secure approval from the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) to landfill a marine area under the pretense of sealing an oil well that was established in the 1940’s. It has become obviously clear that what is currently being land-filled is not for the sole purpose of sealing or securing the relic of a well, there are clear indications that the works on the ground are being carried out with the intent of raising the ground level of the “land” facing the well; which happens to have been allocated to a group of investors. But the plot thickens; this “land” is not land, it is an integral part of the sea, it is an intertidal zone, which is an important ecological habitat whose preservation is vital, and which is legally part of the sea and falls under public ownership; and cannot legally be allocated to individuals, businesses or institutions whether private or public. This situation raises several questions: First of all, what right does the EEAA have to provide approval to any party to landfill a part of the Red Sea which is publicly owned? Secondly, how can any governmental body allocate or sell a part of the Red Sea, which is owned by the people? Thirdly, despite the fact that the works on the ground do not even comply with the plan approved by the EEAA, as per the “Environmental Impact Assessment study” submitted by the GPC, why are works continuing? Why haven’t the Red Sea Protectorates or the EEAA taken any legal action? Fourthly, assuming that that this well does require sealing, is this the only method? Is this even the cheapest method to seal a well that is no more than a few dozen meters from the shore, where the depth is only a few tens of centimeters where heavy machinery can with no great difficulty maneuver within? Why has the land been filled 1.5m above sea level? The Red Sea community demands the immediate cessation of works, the termination of all activities detrimental the Red Sea’s ecosystems; and insist on the reclamation of the “land” facing the well -that has been illegally consigned to investors- what is of the people will return to the people! And those who have benefited from the backdoors of the regime and those who have opened these back entrances must pay severely; HEPCA will pursue all necessary legal actions against these perpetrators.